Digital Transformation covers a vast amount of topics that companies and organizations are challenged with. Our approach is always of a holistic nature and has the goal to realize solutions based on the industry best practices and with tools that are future-oriented and allow our clients to develop and adapt their business solutions continuously.
The Vision behind Digital Transformation
Companies and Organizations most often have an inventory of systems and applications that are used on a daily basis and are firmly established. To be able to transform existing business solutions into effective and flexible digital tools for either external clients or the internal employees, a solution needs to be put into place that easily integrates into the existing landscape but allows to facilitate new solutions at the same time.

The vision of being able to transform business services from traditional processing into agile, dependable digital tools needs a solid foundation in form of a platform that allows building of these digital solutions. At ONETool Solutions we have chosen systems and platforms that stand the high requirements our clients have and that have a high flexibility in adapting different industry requirements.
Our Approach
To succeed in any size of digital transformation project, be it a single service or a complete enterprise landscape, the approach is always the same.
We start by knowing the technological environment we will be working with, the existing systems and applications the client has. This goes further into gathering information on existing data and data requirements all in the perspective of implementing successful business processes.
Once we have the business blue-print, we start with the implementation, by setting up the required infrastructure and platform on which the solutions will run in. Once we have the solution infrastructure in place, we will proceed with the projects. To have fast results, we normally recommend agile approaches to realize fast small wins and get business sign-offs faster.
To make sure that the developed solutions fulfill the business requirements of the client, we engage into continuously testing what we develop. This consists of unit testing components and end-to-end testing of complete solutions.
We do not leave our clients alone with their solutions and support them on all levels with the deployment, go-live support and operational support. As solutions often are dynamic and need adaptions to e.g. market changes, we do support the client with changes and modifications when needed.
With doing a digital transformation of a system or the complete organization, one of the most important tasks is to train and educate clients employees on the new solutions. This goes from end-user application training, to development training and operations training on the new infrastructure.
Platform of Choice
To enable digital transformation in the most effective way, we have chosen Scheer PAS as our main platform. The platform has the strong focus on being user friendly with it’s visual model based development environment and at the same time delivers high performance when processing large amount of data and transactions.
Please feel free to explore the platform more here.